Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Lots of Self- Loathing

I woke up this morning in a good mood.
I should have known this day was going to go all wrong. In no way, NO WAY do I wake up in a good mood. Let alone in a Disney Princess, sing-worthy sort of way. Usually I wake up with lots of grunting, and complaining, throwing various objects around the room, screaming because I just want to stay home and REEEAADDD!
This morning though, there was a huge contrast. I woke up willingly, 2 whole minutes before my alarm clock goes off at precisely 8 o'clock. And from there I proceeded to not even hit the snooze button- but to get up, throw on some sweat pants (Perhaps I wasn't wearing any pants...perhaps you should stay out of my business and just read this darn thing...), and actually do something in the morning besides lazily eating peanut butter and Nutella out of the jar whilst crying and throwing things around the room. 
But today was different.
Today I actually got up and did something. That something was walk on the treadmill for about 20 minutes. I'm basically I triathlete now...not to brag. I even walked on an incline. Yeah, I know what you're thinking "Calm down McKenzie, you're gonna put the rest of us to shame!" 
Well don't worry, later on in the morning I ate a whole chocolate bar...because this day didn't stay sing-worthy for long.
After my twenty minute walk through the pits of....(oh you know where!) I had to get around for work. At this point the endorphin's  were walking me through the house. Yet about the time I got around to doing my makeup...things took a turn.
I blame it on the eyeliner.
It's always the eyeliner, isn't it? Today was not my day for winged eyeliner. I promise, I looked like I was punched or something. First one eye didn't look right so I tried to rub it off- Nope! I didn't manage to rub it off- I managed to rub it ON even more. (Insert verbal "UGH!'). Finally I broke down and actually got a wash cloth...which seemed to do the trick...if only my second try would have worked. It didn't. 
It took 3 times of 1. putting the eye liner on. 2. screaming when it didn't come out right. 3. washing it all off with a wash cloth. 4. trying again....until FINALLY it worked and the world was once again a peaceful place. 
Until I looked at the clock. 
9: 18...I'm supposed to be at work at 9:30...and I wasn't even dressed yet (I'll admit it...). 
By 9:25 I was out the door, with my winged liner, somewhat put together outfit, and an apple for breakfast. 
This was gonna be a long day.
So I get to work, clock in, raz the secretary for a bit, and head to the nurses office where I am greeted by the Nurse. So far so good. 
I take off my coat (Shout out to Sherylyn for the coat! Thanks bud!), scarf, pull down my dress which may have been somewhat tucked into my leggings, and proceed to put my things away and grab my computer out of the file cabinet. 
What happens next...shouldn't surprise you...

My dog

The computer falls off the the table I had it strategically balanced on while I was putting my coat away.
And it basically explodes...at least that's what it sounded like.
Thankfully only the battery fell out, so I felt maybe the universe was working in my favor this time...
Until I turned it on.
There are now colored bars running down the middle screen of my work computer, causing me a lot of unneeded stress. Thanks universe. 
Besides the nurse, no one knows. 
I would like to keep it that way...until I can come up with a story to tell our tech person...as to how I managed to drop this computer. A GOOD explanation...like maybe I was trying to kill a spider, stop a fire, save a child. 
*Suggestions are welcome!*
But yeah...I couldn't wait to get home.

But enough about this day! I'm so over this day. 
Let's talk about music for a change. 
For many of you that already know me, you will know I love music. (What a cliche sentence...) But it's true, I love music and the way it distracts me from..well...days like this. And recently I have been using this app called Spotify. You can make your own playlists with basically any song you want, and let me say it's a gem! Currently I have about 100 songs on my playlist. It plays randomly, and sometimes throws in something it thinks you would like. So far they seem to know my taste pretty well. 
Shall we hit the shuffle button and see what we get?

McKenzie's Playlist For The Ultimate Music Experience:

Buddy Holly by. Weezer
Ready to Go (Get Me Out of My Mind) by. Panic! At the Disco
No Lie by. Wet
Incomplete and Insecure by. The Avett Brothers
New Girl by. The Black Keys
Come on Eileen by. Dexys Midnight Runners (I might listen to this song far too often..)
Staying Up by. The Neighbourhood
Out of My League by. Fitz and The Tantrums
January Wedding by. The Avett Brothers
Outside by. Calvin Harris (THIS IS MY JAM!)

Anyhow I hope you all are having a much better day than myself, but if not, here are some tips: 

Go check out Spotify.
Don't leave your computers on any uneven surface/ edge of a table/ edge of bathtub/ anywhere near water actually.
Pinterest eyeliner tutorials are lies.
Music fixes everything.
Unless it's country.
Or rap.
I'm tired.
This post is nonsense.
Happy Reading!