Friday, August 28, 2015

Another Senior Citizen Rant

Now I consider myself to be a fairly young person. I still have a relative amount of energy, buoyancy (ew...), and liveliness. I live with a small amount of whimsy and expectation most found in youth. Yet, when you wake up, feeling like death is upon you and your body naturally reacts with racks of exhaustion, all due to ONE late night out, it truly puts your life in perspective. Not even in the prime of my life, and I have aged 30 years.
Now it wouldn't be so bad if I was, say, 30 years older than I am now. Still depressing, yet I know how the world works. No, no, not even two decades under my belt and I'm still disappointed when I eat dinner later than 4 o'clock. 7 o'clock is bathtime!
So, what pray tell, has gone awry? It'd be easy to blame my parents, as they have been here all along. They have watched as I slowly decayed before them. They saw all those years I went to bed at 8 to sit up and read my little romance novels while snacking on the most bland foods I could get my hands on. The signs were all around them, if only I was warned.
Now, so far gone, I am happy in my oldness; which makes me sad. If someone were to open me up they would find stolen sugar packets, and knock-knock jokes so old they are started to rust.
S, being a part of the senior citizen community, I of course have noticed our descent into moral uprooting and teen incompetence. This brings us to the Teen Fiction section of this rant.
Confession: I am an avid Teen Fiction reader. I see no harm in this, only that it gives me unrealistic expectations regarding love and friendship. Yet a little self delusion never killed anyone...right? I find the writing style easy to grasp and happy to read. And usually it's pretty easy for me to get lost in the lives of the young characters and their  young lives which seem so foreign to me.
And although I have found a plethor of entertainging books from the Teen Fiction section of my local Barnes & Noble, recently I have had no success. I feel falling prey to their shiny covers. Yes, I judge book by its cover especially if it involves a pretty dress. (Well done publishing...well done.)
Turns out, reading from a 16 year old's perspective is as torturous as it sounds. Which is why no one shall read from McKenzie Porter's past diaries...
Yet I do suggest these lovely books:

And who knows maybe I'll get around too doing a few books I'm always saying I'll do.
But until that fateful day-
Happy Reading!