Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Monday's Ugly Sister

So it's Tuesday. Or I like to call it "not Friday". So basically it's yet another Monday. I'm starting to think that Tuesdays are worse than Mondays. On Monday you're all high off life and the weekend. I can sometimes trick myself into thinking it's all a bad dream. But Tuesday is another story. You've already come to terms that it's not a dream, and this is really your life and you have to endure three more days until it's finally the the weekend. Or I like to call it "paradise".
Work isn't so bad though, accept it keeps me busy. The act of being busy makes me mentally insane, due to having no time for reading, Parks and Recreations, napping, and lord forbid no blogging! Yet it's a paradox.
I love to busy myself because it stops my mind from its constant chatter, yet I hate being busy because I want to hear what this chatter is saying. Sometimes I need to indulge myself in my own thoughts, however dangerous and upsetting they may be. I haven't had time for that lately. Perhaps this is a good thing, I can never tell.
Yet what I do know is that not having time to read is slowly killing me. (I also become dramatic when I'm busy.) I feel as if I've been reading the same book all my life. Well it would make since considering it is 600 pages with the smallest font size known to man. I'm sure you have no interest in hearing about it, for I have little interest telling you. What you will learn is that it's entitled "The Winter Rose" and it is the final book in a trilogy I got myself wrapped up in three years ago. Now normally I would be all for 600 pages of drama and love and sacrifice, yet due to my having no time (have I mentioned how busy I am?) to read I couldn't wait for it to be over and for it to go back on my OCD bookshelf. ("Pride and Prejudice" next to "The Catcher in the Rye"?! Are you mad?!!)
So 17 years and 9 months later I finally finished the darn thing only to realize I haven't really updated this whole blog thing in a while.
Believe me, you haven't missed much......oh but wait...accept that YOU HAVE!
So I'm learning, quite rapidly, just how far nerd I have become. There is a scale. At birth you are in the middle of this scale- a neutral and blank slate. As you travel down this winding road we call life, you gradually move from left to right on this scale based on different life decisions. It's frightening how far right I have traveled. I honestly don't believe I ever moved left- nor was aware this was an option. Yet now I'm too far gone to ever go back.
So you must be wondering what in heavens name is causing me to think so inward?
I have two words for you.... "Cleavage Fest"...or if we are getting technical..."Renaissance Fair".
Oh yes, I can hear you groaning inwardly. For art thou not impressed? (Yes that doesn't make a smidge of since...don't worry about it.)
For the past year I have been planning my Renaissance time travel. Many things were considered, yet costume was at the top of this list. (Basically it's the only thing on the list.) It's that one time a year where I can dress up and prance around a ton of people and not be looked at in a judgmental way. It's like bizarro world. The nerds are the heroes. #worldDomination 
Yet this nerd was in all actuality an undercover princess, running away from her obligations and her betrothed. (Yes I had a backstory- is there a problem?)

This was my first of many more Renaissance fairs to come. My costume was inspired by years of dreaming and plotting how to run away and become a princess in a some far away land. For one whole day I could live it and it was magical. 

And although it takes all of me to post this picture...I suppose it's the right thing to do. I mean come on. It's pretty amazing and extravagant and impossible to beat. My friend here deserves major props for which I shall not give her, considering every other nerd at the fair noticed how amazing she looked. (I now have a goal for next year...Beat Hannah!) 
So I suppose that basically sums up my life- what little there is of it. Maybe I'll do something really worth writing about one day- like watch all 6 Star Wars movies in one day or really get around to making some kick- butt chili. Yet until then I'll keep you updated on my lack of adventures and incessant speeches on how I just want to read!!
Maybe a job on Craigslist could be posted- "Girl seeking reading companion- money is an option."
Then again...I do have some common since which is why I shall sarcastically post it on here. 
"Girl seeking reading companion to pay her to read books, to them, for them, etc. Money would be a big plus. Food an even bigger plus." 
And so begins a fated story that will soon appear on 20/20. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

"Can't Help Falling in Love" With Fall

Well I've finally done it.
 Years and years of my life have been culminating into this one glorious revelation. Perhaps THE most glorious revelation a person can muster the boldness to find. For it took years of analyzing, soul searching, and replaying so. Many. Songs!
But I did it.
I found my favorite song.
Of all time.
Of all the times.
And I’m quite surprised, albeit slightly embarrassed.
Yet isn’t this what this whole blog thingy is about? Revealing deep and intimate parts of myself for the general public. (Mental note: Why am I doing this again?) So I suppose this is one of the those moments where I had better just spill it, because I can just see you all on the edge of your seats. (By all, I am meant my Mother who I am sure is my only reader- Hi Mommy! Could you stop at the store and pick me up some food? Chinese please!) All in all I do believe this moment calls for a drum roll!

*Drum roll noise, drum roll noise, drum roll noise*​

​Elvis Presley I am extremely sorry for all the years of toilet jokes, mockery, vigorous hip shaking, and my taking advantage of the fascinating combination that is peanut butter and bananas (I really take it for granted.) Ever since I was a small child- which hasn't been very long ago I suppose- this song has always had the ability to make me dance no matter if I'm on the brink of tears or a mental breakdown. And that's what a theme song should do. It should play behind me every second of the day- comforting me with its slow rhythm and warm beat. 

Wanna know another thing that's comforting?
My 52 year old Father asking me to turn up the television...the television that is right now playing Pretty Little Liars. Oh yes I have turned my Dad into a teenage girl. And I love it! We now have very deep conversations on Caleb's new hair, whether we can trust Jenna, and of course who. Is! A! I sware this show has ruined me. I used to be a very mature and serious young woman, but now...let's just say I blame this darn show for all of my teenagerness. At least I don't own a thousand pair of Ugg boots...there's always that. 

Speaking of boots...because we should always be speaking of boots...because boots are the sweat pants for your feet. I wore some today! Wanna know why? Do ya? Do ya? Well I have some big news and that is that fall is on our doorstep. Oh yes, for us Kansans we are all pretty thrilled because it seems like our weather maybe, just maybe might be right on track. (I am now going to be in a constant prayer that I haven't just jinxed it.) 
Perhaps this is why I have completely lost all since of...what's the word...self control. I don't know what it is about cooler weather but I seem to completely lose my mind. I woke up today and ate so much peanut butter- but I didn't even care. When I got to work I pulled a prank on the nurse...a very serious woman that I highly respect BTW! And let me tell you I wasn't the only one completely thrilled about our new weather prospects. The kids were absolutely rambunctious. (I am now aware of how to use "rambunctious" in a sentence.) But I didn't even care because I was pretty rambunctious myself. (Have I said rambunctious enough? Rambunctious!) I found myself racing kindergarteners around the playground...full on racing too...not that "fast walking" crap! I layed those kids out. (Again, I have lost all self control.) 
At about 1 o'clock I crashed. And that's all I have to say about that. Work was work. I did work. I did work at work. The end.

And yes I am aware that this post has gone from Elvis Presley, to my teenage Father, and my ability to feel no shame at crushing small children's dreams. But I blame it on the weather. The glorious time of year where I can eat pie for every meal, get a nice layer of fat, whine about it come January, then eat more pie in self defeat. 
Oh yes, fall is a great time of year.