Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Hooked on Books: Shatter Me Series by Tahereh Mafi

So for many of you that know me, I'm sure the one word associated with my name is "Book-a-holic". Those of you unfamiliar with my antics do well to learn of how truly I revolve my life around these beautifully bound bundles of pleasure. I eat, sleep, dream, bathe- in books. I haven't quite pinpointed why I do this. Psychologically I am an only child seeking companionship, yet in all actuality it is because I'm seeking adventure. I want my life to be as meaningful as a well written novel and as harrowing as an epic. Yet I imagine this is all well in my control. 
Perhaps my days I spend reading on the couch eating out of a bag of kettle-cooked BBQ potato chips are a hindrance to my adventuresome life I wish to lead.
Yet then again I live so many lives through the pages of my books. I feel sorry for the poor schmucks that don't read. The feel of absolute accomplishment, when I can return one of my beautifully bound books to its rightful place onto my toppling bookshelves, cannot be beat. The smell of a new book, fresh with ink, ready for much use. The soft and gentle glide of the turning of a page. 
Yes, I. love. books.
Of said books, Sherylyn and I have recently become intrigued by a young adult trilogy. (What is with trilogies these days? It's like we have reached a new era in teen fiction. Everything in threes- love triangles, trilogies...I feel I should go rogue and write a 4 book series with 4 love interests...is that even legal?)
ANYWAYS here are my thoughts....

Shatter Me, Unravel Me, and Ignite Me 
By. Tahereh Mafi 

 Our protagonist's name is Juliette and the last person she has touched- died! Is anyone else thinking Rogue? (Perhaps this is why I was so drawn to these books- they are reminisent of my childhood pretending I was one of the X-Men.) 

Anyhow, she has gone through her life living in psyche wards and mental institutions, yet the Reestablishment is who wants to keep her- turn her into a weapon of mass destruction. 
Yet OF COURSE there's no way you can keep love out! Oh no no! Our love interest soon makes his appearance. Or should I say TWO love interests! (Is this really as common as young adult books make it seem? Where are my two leading men?)
Joking aside, these books were absolutely delightful. Tahereh's style of writing was very surprising- full of metaphors and unapologetic confessions. Juliette's character at times made me physically cringe with annoyance- yet for her age and her situation I found it realistic. I wouldn't have expected anything less. I enjoyed watching her grow, and mastering the power inside her. Perhaps this is a metaphor for life. 
Now getting to what you all REALLY care about- Adam and Warner. (Geez, all you people care about are boys!) 
Time for some character analysis here:
Adam is our first lover boy. And from the start you immediately fall in love with him. I mean come on, he has dark hair and blue eyes and is as sweet as can be. Juliette falls for him too, naturally. Picture perfect in every way. And it also doesn't hurt that he can...touch her! What! Spoiler alert? Yet I found him far too perfect in the beginning- I was pleased to find in the following books that he has some sort of depth. Flaws begin to make their way to the surface. 
Now to Warner. From the beginning you are are influenced to absolutely despise this man. He is the son of the president of the Reestablishment. Handsome and evil! Or so we are led to believe. His life revolves around an unknown force, his actions closely monitored, and his life controlled with no easy way out. It makes you wonder "Can an evil man have a good heart?" 
All through these books our character's loyalties, sanity, and true inner self are all called into question. 
And when backed against a wall, true colors come out.
I honestly was pleasantly surprised with the turn of events found in the second book. Our author makes some critical decisions on how to turn our story, which is refreshing. Too many times books are predictable. These books encourage you to take a second look. 
I yearn to say more. Yet then what suspense will I leave you? 

And there you have it- you don't even have to read the books now, 
Like I of all people would tell you, you didn't have to read a book. Please! 
And if not for reading, the covers are absolutely breathtaking, I mean, I might display them in my house. 

I urge you to read. Of what fun is it to be stuck in one reality? Through books I travel worlds, I meet best friends, and I live many lives.
"Through the pages of a book, is a nice place to be." 

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