Friday, November 14, 2014

Life As An Elderly 17 Year Old Girl

Tonight I'm contemplating ever leaving my house. And I don't mean for the night- I mean for the foreseeable future. I'm starting to lose track of the reasons as to why I would ever want to leave my house. Food can be delivered, friends can visit, online shopping, cheaper on gas, work from my home, save money on clothes (i.e only wear pajamas), and not to mention I would have an enormous amount of free time to clean the house (riiigghhhttt, like THAT'S what I'll do...slyly looks at fresh stack of library books.)
I believe Adam Sandler said it best- 
"Don't you like your home? Are you too good for your home?"
Okay, true he was speaking to a golf ball. Golf balls are not humans. I know this to be true. Yet I can't help but feel that Happy Gilmore was trying to tell us something.
Just stay home.
Repeat after me:
Home is wonderful place. Home is wear you wake up, you go to bed, you take showers, you cook, you eat, you do things society would frown upon, and dance to Taylor Swift music (not me though...strictly alternative for this gal...I haven't even heard of her latest album 1989.....turn off the interrogation lights would ya! Gyaw!). Why would you ever want to leave your home?
Yet then people call you and want to know if you have any what they call 'plans'. No I don't have any 'plans', yet what I do 'plan' on doing is nothing. Which means no I do not want to socialize, or go to the skating rink, or 'chillax', or whatever the kids are calling it these days. I want to do nothing. I want to sit on the couch and eat immense amounts of peanut butter and Oreos and watch reruns of Fringe, and cry because Dad just ate the last Oreo.
Speaking of Oreos, why is it that we have DOUBLE STUFFED and then REGULAR Oreos? Is anyone even buying the regular Oreos? I would like to know the statistics!
So that's where I am now...eating Oreos...on the couch...dreading having to get up...and socialize.
Okay suuurrrreee...I understand the benefits of 'doing things'...and being a 'friendly' person...yet I suppose my introvert self is getting the best of me tonight...AKA most nights.

***30 minutes pass of McKenzie staring at this blog entry***

Should I get up?

I'm getting up.

I can do this!
I'm social!
I like to talk!

P.S. Who does things after 6 o'clock at night? Is this normal behavior? Are people really out and about at this hour?
I am a elderly seventeen year old girl.


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