Saturday, February 28, 2015

Concert Updates From Gollum

I woke up at 11am today.

And that describes my Saturday- beginning, middle, and end. 

"And she lived happily ever after, alone, on the couch, with 'Princess Diaries' in the background, and the steady chatter of fingers on keys." Who knew my life was so romantic! 

Anyhow, the reason for my waking up at such an inconvenient time was due to my lack of proper sleep these past few days. Yet I feel I need much more- one look in the bathroom mirror this morning and my day was instantly ruined. So this might be a pessimistic post. 

Let's change the topic away from my unfortunate lack of beauty sleep. Yeah?

Okay, so the concert. 
I don't really know how to describe it. So I won't. 
It's like trying to tell a funny story, and by the end everyone has stopped listening, because they just had to be there. Yeah, it's kinda like that. Yet far less awkward. 
So why don't I just SHOW you?

As if I wasn't already obsessed with them before! 
It was an unforgettable night. I screamed, danced, clapped, stomped, and very nearly started bawling the whole evening- yet in a good way. A very good way. 
I suppose I have Sherylyn to thank. She introduced me to them one night, as she was driving me home, it was dark and I was very tired, yet I still remember how I watched her fingers drum on the steering wheel and her fists pump in the air. (The song was 'Bring Your Love To Me'.

Naturally, the night was exquisite yet also long. I didn't get home til 1 in the morning, and I didn't get to bed til almost 2 because I was so keyed up. Which thus began my long and arduous war to get on a normal sleeping schedule. It was totally worth it. 
The day after the concert, I had work in the morning. I thought about calling in and saying I wasn't going to make it- yet for some reason I thought it was a pay day so I got around reluctantly. 
Apparently it wasn't a pay day.
I'm still mad about that. 

Another thing I'm mad about is that I'm cold. (Should this be a new segment on the blog "What Is McKenzie Mad About Now?") But really, I am currently wearing a fleece onesie (Should I seriously admit that? And a more important question, did I spell that correctly?), wrapped like a burrito in blanket, and sitting in front of our mini heater/fake fire place drinking hot tea. Do I have some sort of circulation problem? Perhaps the fact that I haven't necessarily moved any part of my body except my fingers, might have something to do with it. But I still see no reason to move. Like I said- I'm cold. 
It's been snowing on and off since yesterday and although I absolutely love watching the snow fall, my happiness is short lived once I realize how much longer we must suffer through this 'being cold' business. 
I'm so done.
So done!
Yet will I ever move? Probably not. Absolutely not. Because you wanna know something that makes me even more mad than being cold? Change. (Come to think of it, a lot of things make me mad. Ugh, looks like I have some work to do.) 
Yet I'm trying to get used to this not 70 degree weather, by looking on the bright side! So unlike me. 
I can read, or write all day long. I can eat copious amounts of food because I'm constantly wearing a coat  that will hide any unnecessary pounds. I can get out my anger by watching sad movies and crying because Mr. Darcy isn't real. And most importantly I don't have to leave the house. 
Perhaps I might survive this whole winter thing after all. 
But if I don't, know I tried my hardest.

So until next time, maybe I will get some real sleep or just resign myself to avoiding mirrors for a little while. I'm really tired of seeing Gollum. And I'll try not to be so mad for a change, I guess there's this thing called "Happy Thoughts". Suppose I'll try that for a little while. 
Well, 'Pride and Prejudice' is calling my name, and so is Mom's chili. Wonder what it would take for her to bring me some, because getting up is out of the question!
Enjoy the snow readers!
Happy Reading! 

P.S. I just read this post to my Father, looked over at him because I was wondering why in the world was he not laughing or at least chuckling at times- turns out he fell asleep. Apparently this whole writing thing needs some work...
Or maybe the fact that I'm constantly talking, means he has had to learn to sleep with my constant chatter.  

*McKenzie slyly grabs the remote control and turns the channel to anything but ESPN* 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Hooked on Books: The Perks of Being a Wallflower

I promised you all a book review, and I have delivered. Ask and ye shall receive...or don't ask and I'll just do what I want. Either way- here ya go. 

The Perks of Being a Wallflower by. Stephen Chbosky 

There is an overwhelming number of books in the world that make us cry. You read one and you read them all, yet we still time and again put ourselves through the agony. I believe it is human nature to want to feel something- anything- to attach ourselves to as many things as possible. So weepy novels are  our outlet.
Yet there is a very small percentage of books in the world that change us. And I know I sound like a cheesy Oprah Winfrey yet when a book manages to change your way of thinking, of living, it is a rare creation. The Perks of Being a Wallflower is one such creation. 
From the moment I knew about its existence I was extremely uninterested. Uninterested as in I bypassed its unassuming little cover and went straight toward the Sci- Fi Romance section of Barnes and Nobles. (I'm a sucker for a beautiful cover.) I had so little faith in this little book, for it is quite tiny. I had this belief that no good story could be told- let alone a life changing one- in less that 400 pages. 
I forget now why Sherylyn and I decided to finally pick it up and read it, (Perhaps she can refresh my memory someday) yet my expectations were proved false beyond words. 

Dear Charlie,

I read every one of your letters. I read and reread and digested and reread again and thought and thought and thought about you and your life. As I read I found myself growing more and more like-minded with you. I also think of myself more as an observer than a 'participator' in life. Perhaps we both notice the futility of it. 
I must admit, many letters I had to stop reading. I had to stop and mentally prepare myself for the next word and then the next until I could finish it. It was hard to read those letters. Yet I feel I understand your behavior more. I understood your drive and your decisions. And although your past is tragic, you said it best with "even if we don't have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there. We can still do things. And we can try to feel okay about them."
I have read these words many times, picking them apart-as I do all your words- trying to make complete since of them. Because that's what you should do when something makes me feel so utterly 'infinite', you should dissect it, over and over and over again and never stop. 
You are from a different world Just Charlie. A world that is looking down on this world, trying to make since of everyone and everything and failing. Your words rang true to my heart because they are ones I thought myself alone in thinking. 
Like how music is something so utterly great, yet awful at the same time. 
And how loving someone means loving the bad parts too. 
How it's okay to not see things how others see them.
And how being sad doesn't mean your not also happy. 
Thank you Charlie for the letters, now I have a collection of little works of art to read at my leisure, and a friend. For that's how I feel about you. You're a friend. A kindred spirit- if you will.
I wish you all the best in your happiness and in your sadness. And if you ever feel the need to get bad again, please write me. But if you don't write I will still be happy because I know you are out 'participating' in life, and maybe one day I will choose to do the same. 
Love Always,

Fanfiction anyone? 

I wish I could give you all more. Perhaps a diagnonis of the plot, or a few character studies, yet I feel then you wouldn't read the book. And you should. Yet perhaps a warning is in order- like I said in the above letter- some parts are hard to read. Your tears will blur your vision, and some nights you won't be able to sleep. Yet is it possible that I enjoyed every moment of it? 

So whoop there it is readers. 

I hope you find this book as wonderful as I did.
And always til next time-
Happy Reading. 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

"Potato Chip Beyonce goes for 1 Million Dollars!"

So I haven't wrote in awhile. 
And no, don't get too ahead of yourself and start thinking "McKenzie finally got a life!"- she didn't- I mean 'I didn't'. (The habit of talking in third person comes easily to me..too easily. One can never be too careful of avoiding unnecessary quirks. I believe I have reached my maximum amount.) 
So what have I been up to? 
Well well well, let me tell you...

Nothing too interesting. 

Was it worth the wait everyone? I'm sure you were all completely lost without my unfocused monologues, about my mundane life. (Don't worry, the sarcasm is still hot as ever.) Yet truthfully nothing too utterly life changing has occurred. And yes, I'm just as surprised as you all are! I mean I am living in Wichita, Kansas- the epicenter of adventure and all things fun! 
I suppose I have been reading, which is more than enough drama I can handle right now. 

I suppose work has been interesting. Children, I'm beginning to learn, are little bombs of disease. They reel you in with their big trusting eyes, and their innocent little voices, only to strike when you least expect it. "Oh Ms. McKenzie let me give you a hug and then later inform you I'm not feeling well and was throwing up last night." 
Another thing I'm learning is that children should never, under any circumstances, be allowed to play outside. No! They need to be wrapped up in bubble wrap and stuck in a plastic bubble. And it would be for their own good of course. I cannot even begin to explain to you how many kids these past weeks have injured themselves due to their not being (as stated earlier) wrapped in bubble wrap and inside their plastic bubbles. "Oh Ms. McKenzie I just hit my head on the playground and it appears I'm bleeding gallons of blood all over myself, would you kindly pick me up and run me quite frantically to the nurse? Thanks. Love ya. Bye." 
(I'm telling you. Bubble wrap. Use it.)

Well, thinking about it I suppose Sherylyn and I do have pretty exciting news. And by pretty exciting, I really mean "Life Altering, Best Day Of Our Lives" kinda pretty exciting. 
Anyone heard of the little known group- The Avett Brothers? No? Well then where have you been living? Living inside a bubble? 
Well, I was there at one time too and if it wouldn't have been for Sherylyn I would still by there. Trapped in my own ignorance. So I feel it my duty (yes I just said 'duty'- grow up!) to let you all know what a waste your lives have been up to this point. Too harsh? Well I don't think so. Listen up!

McKenzie's Avett Brother Playlist:
Bring Your Love to Me
Laundry Song
January Wedding
Part From Me
Souls Like the Wheels
I and Love and You
The Perfect Space
Head Full of Doubt/ Road Full of Promise

I started you all off pretty easy. 9 songs. It'll only take approximately 45 minutes of your time. 45 minutes to change your life forever. 
And as avid fans no doubt you would be thinking "Sherylyn, McKenzie! Maybe you should go to one of their concerts!"
What an idea, readers! 
This Thursday, February 26, 2015 we are going to one of their concerts! It will be my first concert of all time! And I just know it will be epicly (Is that a word? Well it is now) perfect! Yet now I'm a little overwhelmed as to what I should a wedding dress appropriate? 

Well, fellow readers...(otherwise known as Mom) I suppose this is all I can come up with to entertain you. I have become addicted to Trivia that exciting news? Eh...til next time! 
Perhaps I will actually go on an adventure! Or stumble across a time machine, dinosaur bone, or a potato chip shaped like Beyonce. 
But until then- 
Happy Reading!

Time to get to work...