Friday, September 5, 2014


I like to watch people.
 Are you hooked?
In school I was always told to start with a hook, a grabber, an intriguing opening line if you will. I think this might be a good one. Now you're wondering if I'm a serial killer or maybe even The Phantom of the Opera. I wish I could say yes. I wish I were someone interesting. Maybe not as interesting as a serial killer yet certainly not as unintersting as I really am. There seems to be a fine line.
 Have I ruined my hook yet? Are you now googling Ultimate Dodgeball videos? (I would if I were you- later that is. What could be better than ULTIMATE and DODGEBALL?) Anywho, maybe by some chance or perhaps pity you're still reading. First off- I thank you! (Am I the only one who types "Thinks" when wanting to type "Thanks"? I sure hope not. I was home-schooled and am worried this is a side effect.) And second- I suppose you would like a name.
 My name is McKenzie Porter and I am a resident of the luxurious and fascinating Wichita, Kansas. (Is it okay to lie in a blog?) And my fair assistant's name is Sherylyn Pack. (Who will be making an appearance sooner or later...)
 But perhaps I should go back to my opening line. Truth be told these are not the rantings of a serial killer, rather a mere observer. Yet I do suppose rantings are rantings. But in all honestly I don't like the word watch. It implies that I have stalker habits. And I do not. To put it simply I find the world a fascinating place and I have a yearning to analyze it- detail by detail. So this is what this little blog is all about. I feel that this will be a better solution for pouring out my thoughts. My Microsoft Word documents are piling up- time for them to disappear into the meaningless void we like to call the interweb! I shall apologize in advance now for all the meaningless rambling that is bound to occur. Yet perhaps once in awhile I'll manage to say something interesting.
 On that note I shall bid you adieu-
 Happy Reading!

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