Monday, September 29, 2014

I Smell Like a Burnt Doughnut

Have you ever woke up to the horrible thought that "today I have to be around people"? You have to talk to people, you have to look at people, you have to be nice to people, people, people, people. They  are everywhere. Have you noticed this? People. Are. Everywhere. There is no escaping them. You wake up- people. You leave your house- people. You go to bed- people. 
Today was one of those days. I dreaded having to get out of my cozy little bed and actually be a person. But I rallied. I woke up, made myself a breakfast of hot tea, snicker doodle cookies, and an apple. (I have to keep up my baker physique somehow.) Afterward I did my morning routine and headed to work- looking somewhat better than when I woke up. Yet I didn't want to go- my book was calling to me, so was my bed, and so was the box of graham crackers Mom just bought. The promise of money at the end of the week won me over though. 
Work was as expected. No surprises. I can't be surprised anymore by these kids. Today a little boy got a plastic ring stuck on his finger. And to no avail, the nurse and I tried to get it off. That sucker wasn't budging. To the hospital he went. I tried to lighten the my own special way. I reassured him he was only going to lose 1 finger...he still had 9 more. He didn't appreciate the humor. Kids!
After a day of dealing with stomach aches, spilt milk, unsafe swinging, reckless slide use, and many many ketchup packets it was time to go home. 
I do believe the phrase "time to go home" is the greatest use of the English language. 
When home I proceeded to sit my butt onto the couch and eat a plate full of my mom's ultimate graham crackers (graham crackers with peanut butter and chocolate chips. Nothing but gourmet in this house) and watch numerous episodes of PLL ( for which I am a little ashamed about...). I'm pretty sure this is the remedy for being around too many people- especially little people. 
Yet my resting was cut responsibilities. I sure hate those...
Grandma Mills yard still needed some major help. 
So again, much like last week, Dad and I weed- eated (is that a term?), mowed, chopped, hammered, sawed, chuck-norrised the crap out of that yard. I find hard work so rewarding. Much like my Father, I thrive while being outside. My mind clears of all the nonsense it is fed throughout the day and fills with leaves and ladybugs and fresh air.

Yet one thing I know....with all my that some things about said nature will never calm me down. 
Like this "little" friend I made...

Keep in mind this fella was bascially the size of a one story building. Yet I may be exaggerating. I don't take spiders lightly. I kept an eye on Spider-Man here for fear it would hurl itself on me and eat my face off. (Graphic enough for you?) I was (am) that one kid at the pool with the the over active imagination..thinking that if I swam deep enough I would encounter a great white shark. So my mind had a field day when I saw this horrible 8 legged creature.
Bugs aside, Dad and I finished the job swimmingly. 

Which brings me to my heroic, volunteer firefighter, carrying a woman out of a burning building story. 
Except the woman I carried out a burning building was really a mini chocolate doughnut and nothing was on fire...yet! You see, Grandma Mills has a touch of the "old timers" and apparently this means she is prone to putting mini treats in the microwave and forgetting all about said treats. That is until she smells smoke and about scares Dad and I to death. Yet I was a hero. I located the source of the smoke, eradicated the burnt substance (which was a least I sure hope that's what it was), and saved my Grandma from burning her house down. 
So now I'm waiting for some sort of medal. 
Do they give those type of awards out? Like if I call congress will they send one over? Maybe I can order one off the internet...

So I suppose that's how my day went. 
People...they will find can hide....yet they always find you. 

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