Monday, September 22, 2014

The Fault In My Decision Making

Have you ever trimmed a tree? 
If not, then you should. Right now. Run outside with a pair of sheers and go to town. It's actually more fun than it should be. Well, maybe it's just fun to me and my inner perfectionist. (Correction: my COMPLETE perfectionist.) No part of me is not a perfectionist. So this whole tree trimming thing was right up my ally. 
My Father and I worked in companionable silence as we trimmed my great Grandmother's trees, bushes, and shrubs. In the time it took for my Dad to trim three trees I did one. It could be that I was comparing my work with Edward Scissor-Hands and no amount of time would give me a t-Rex shrub. But I tried and I did end up with a very shrub looking shrub. As reward grandma Mils gave me a baby doll- yes I said baby doll. (Guess who's pillow it's going under tonight? Starts with M and ends in OM.)
I also enjoyed the work because I like the feeling of doing manual labor to show up the male population. Step it up fellas! 
Competitive? Me?! No! Never!
After my very methodical tree trimming, Dad and I decided against eating cereal for dinner and opted for Panera. It was a tough call...soggy cereal...warm and delicious
Now I am analyzing my mental state to see if I am up to watching a particular movie...entitled...
The Fault in Our Stars.
For all of you that are unfamiliar with this particular book and movie, I assume you are living a very happy life completely ignorant to the struggles of the rest of us. Yet all of you that have read this most terrible book and watched this most horrible movie know what I'm talking about. Curse you John Green!
Okay no, John Green is incredible. And this book is beautiful. And this movie is stupendous. And that is why I'm so stressed out about it. 
The Fault In Our Stars tells the tale of the unforgettable characters Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters. They both have cancer. And that's basically all I can say about that. (No I'm not crying... It's just allergies...gosh!)
So that's where I'm at right now. Holding this horribly horrible movie in my hand and just staring at its horrible cover. 
Decisions are hard. 
I think I'll just stay in the state of indecisiveness a little while longer. Guess i could grab myself something to eat while i do that. Yeah...this night calls for more food. 


  1. Perhaps you shouldn't be encouraging people to run with shears... Just a thought! Great post, buddy! Made me LOL a LOT!

  2. Enjoyed your hysterical evening of tree trimming! Keep up the blogging , enjoy it! Great job
