Thursday, September 11, 2014

Pretty Little Sconces

suppose finding myself curled up on the couch wrapped in an Alabama football snuggie, watching reruns of Pretty Little Liars, and eating stacks of graham crackers should be some sort of wake up call. Or perhaps the fact that I'm perfectly fine with this image should be the wake up call. Either way this image should be unsettling- yet at the moment it just seems right. And at the moment I am perfectly and utterly- exhausted. 

After a day rangling kids out on the playground one finds the peace and quiet a relief. Oh the day in the life of a lunch room aid. I am constantly opening ketchup packets (usually on myself) and wiping up milk (on special occasions throw up- sometimes even the kid's). Oh yes, it fascinating. Also it's quite an ego booster. On several occasions I have been asked if I'm "single and ready to mingle". Naturally I of course said yes- so now I'm currently the girlfriend to 20 third graders. (I kid!)

After a day of good ole work I headed home jamming all 1 minute (I live across the street yet I decided to drive for some reason...) to The Neighbourhood. It makes me feel like a rebel when I listen to them...sure beats the times when I feel like a 60 year old lady. Those times are when I go to bed at 9:30pm... #beautySleep #ImSeventeenYearsOld #wheresMyTeeth

Yet when I came home I was welcomed with the thought that I forgot I had a baking job this week. I would have preferred remembering I scheduled a nap. So that's what I did. I beat, scraped, cut, worked, and boogied until I had a batch full of Blackberry Scones and Chocolate- Chocolate cupcakes. And in that moment the world just seemed right. 

And just to prove that I do know how to whip up some delightful treats...


Why yes they are impressive- thank you very much...
And the fact that I am going to share the recipe should be all the more impressive because I am so sure of myself and my baking skills that I'm very confident no one will come close to mastering it...
Actually this is a lie. This recipe could be done by a monkey..that is if that monkey had an extreme interest in baking scones. (btw...some people call them "sconces"...yeah don't eat sconces.) 

So I suppose I should get my old lady self to bed for fear of turning into the teenager I am. 
The recipe shall be posted tomorrow- my solemn oath to you. 
Goodnight internet. 
*in robot voice* Good-night M-cken-zie 

1 comment:

  1. Why yes your scones are very impressive and I seriously doubt that a monkey could possibly bake scones like yours.......seriously! And what is wrong with being a 60 year old woman? I kinda like being a 60 (something) year old woman. Although I probably wouldn't if I were actually a 17 year old girl. And, I admit I do wish I had the body of a 17 year old teenager again. #istillhaveallmyteeth I love your blog and will be a loyal follower. ❤️��
