Friday, November 14, 2014

Life As An Elderly 17 Year Old Girl

Tonight I'm contemplating ever leaving my house. And I don't mean for the night- I mean for the foreseeable future. I'm starting to lose track of the reasons as to why I would ever want to leave my house. Food can be delivered, friends can visit, online shopping, cheaper on gas, work from my home, save money on clothes (i.e only wear pajamas), and not to mention I would have an enormous amount of free time to clean the house (riiigghhhttt, like THAT'S what I'll do...slyly looks at fresh stack of library books.)
I believe Adam Sandler said it best- 
"Don't you like your home? Are you too good for your home?"
Okay, true he was speaking to a golf ball. Golf balls are not humans. I know this to be true. Yet I can't help but feel that Happy Gilmore was trying to tell us something.
Just stay home.
Repeat after me:
Home is wonderful place. Home is wear you wake up, you go to bed, you take showers, you cook, you eat, you do things society would frown upon, and dance to Taylor Swift music (not me though...strictly alternative for this gal...I haven't even heard of her latest album 1989.....turn off the interrogation lights would ya! Gyaw!). Why would you ever want to leave your home?
Yet then people call you and want to know if you have any what they call 'plans'. No I don't have any 'plans', yet what I do 'plan' on doing is nothing. Which means no I do not want to socialize, or go to the skating rink, or 'chillax', or whatever the kids are calling it these days. I want to do nothing. I want to sit on the couch and eat immense amounts of peanut butter and Oreos and watch reruns of Fringe, and cry because Dad just ate the last Oreo.
Speaking of Oreos, why is it that we have DOUBLE STUFFED and then REGULAR Oreos? Is anyone even buying the regular Oreos? I would like to know the statistics!
So that's where I am now...eating Oreos...on the couch...dreading having to get up...and socialize.
Okay suuurrrreee...I understand the benefits of 'doing things'...and being a 'friendly' person...yet I suppose my introvert self is getting the best of me tonight...AKA most nights.

***30 minutes pass of McKenzie staring at this blog entry***

Should I get up?

I'm getting up.

I can do this!
I'm social!
I like to talk!

P.S. Who does things after 6 o'clock at night? Is this normal behavior? Are people really out and about at this hour?
I am a elderly seventeen year old girl.


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Hooked on Books: Shatter Me Series by Tahereh Mafi

So for many of you that know me, I'm sure the one word associated with my name is "Book-a-holic". Those of you unfamiliar with my antics do well to learn of how truly I revolve my life around these beautifully bound bundles of pleasure. I eat, sleep, dream, bathe- in books. I haven't quite pinpointed why I do this. Psychologically I am an only child seeking companionship, yet in all actuality it is because I'm seeking adventure. I want my life to be as meaningful as a well written novel and as harrowing as an epic. Yet I imagine this is all well in my control. 
Perhaps my days I spend reading on the couch eating out of a bag of kettle-cooked BBQ potato chips are a hindrance to my adventuresome life I wish to lead.
Yet then again I live so many lives through the pages of my books. I feel sorry for the poor schmucks that don't read. The feel of absolute accomplishment, when I can return one of my beautifully bound books to its rightful place onto my toppling bookshelves, cannot be beat. The smell of a new book, fresh with ink, ready for much use. The soft and gentle glide of the turning of a page. 
Yes, I. love. books.
Of said books, Sherylyn and I have recently become intrigued by a young adult trilogy. (What is with trilogies these days? It's like we have reached a new era in teen fiction. Everything in threes- love triangles, trilogies...I feel I should go rogue and write a 4 book series with 4 love that even legal?)
ANYWAYS here are my thoughts....

Shatter Me, Unravel Me, and Ignite Me 
By. Tahereh Mafi 

 Our protagonist's name is Juliette and the last person she has touched- died! Is anyone else thinking Rogue? (Perhaps this is why I was so drawn to these books- they are reminisent of my childhood pretending I was one of the X-Men.) 

Anyhow, she has gone through her life living in psyche wards and mental institutions, yet the Reestablishment is who wants to keep her- turn her into a weapon of mass destruction. 
Yet OF COURSE there's no way you can keep love out! Oh no no! Our love interest soon makes his appearance. Or should I say TWO love interests! (Is this really as common as young adult books make it seem? Where are my two leading men?)
Joking aside, these books were absolutely delightful. Tahereh's style of writing was very surprising- full of metaphors and unapologetic confessions. Juliette's character at times made me physically cringe with annoyance- yet for her age and her situation I found it realistic. I wouldn't have expected anything less. I enjoyed watching her grow, and mastering the power inside her. Perhaps this is a metaphor for life. 
Now getting to what you all REALLY care about- Adam and Warner. (Geez, all you people care about are boys!) 
Time for some character analysis here:
Adam is our first lover boy. And from the start you immediately fall in love with him. I mean come on, he has dark hair and blue eyes and is as sweet as can be. Juliette falls for him too, naturally. Picture perfect in every way. And it also doesn't hurt that he can...touch her! What! Spoiler alert? Yet I found him far too perfect in the beginning- I was pleased to find in the following books that he has some sort of depth. Flaws begin to make their way to the surface. 
Now to Warner. From the beginning you are are influenced to absolutely despise this man. He is the son of the president of the Reestablishment. Handsome and evil! Or so we are led to believe. His life revolves around an unknown force, his actions closely monitored, and his life controlled with no easy way out. It makes you wonder "Can an evil man have a good heart?" 
All through these books our character's loyalties, sanity, and true inner self are all called into question. 
And when backed against a wall, true colors come out.
I honestly was pleasantly surprised with the turn of events found in the second book. Our author makes some critical decisions on how to turn our story, which is refreshing. Too many times books are predictable. These books encourage you to take a second look. 
I yearn to say more. Yet then what suspense will I leave you? 

And there you have it- you don't even have to read the books now, 
Like I of all people would tell you, you didn't have to read a book. Please! 
And if not for reading, the covers are absolutely breathtaking, I mean, I might display them in my house. 

I urge you to read. Of what fun is it to be stuck in one reality? Through books I travel worlds, I meet best friends, and I live many lives.
"Through the pages of a book, is a nice place to be." 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Monday's Ugly Sister

So it's Tuesday. Or I like to call it "not Friday". So basically it's yet another Monday. I'm starting to think that Tuesdays are worse than Mondays. On Monday you're all high off life and the weekend. I can sometimes trick myself into thinking it's all a bad dream. But Tuesday is another story. You've already come to terms that it's not a dream, and this is really your life and you have to endure three more days until it's finally the the weekend. Or I like to call it "paradise".
Work isn't so bad though, accept it keeps me busy. The act of being busy makes me mentally insane, due to having no time for reading, Parks and Recreations, napping, and lord forbid no blogging! Yet it's a paradox.
I love to busy myself because it stops my mind from its constant chatter, yet I hate being busy because I want to hear what this chatter is saying. Sometimes I need to indulge myself in my own thoughts, however dangerous and upsetting they may be. I haven't had time for that lately. Perhaps this is a good thing, I can never tell.
Yet what I do know is that not having time to read is slowly killing me. (I also become dramatic when I'm busy.) I feel as if I've been reading the same book all my life. Well it would make since considering it is 600 pages with the smallest font size known to man. I'm sure you have no interest in hearing about it, for I have little interest telling you. What you will learn is that it's entitled "The Winter Rose" and it is the final book in a trilogy I got myself wrapped up in three years ago. Now normally I would be all for 600 pages of drama and love and sacrifice, yet due to my having no time (have I mentioned how busy I am?) to read I couldn't wait for it to be over and for it to go back on my OCD bookshelf. ("Pride and Prejudice" next to "The Catcher in the Rye"?! Are you mad?!!)
So 17 years and 9 months later I finally finished the darn thing only to realize I haven't really updated this whole blog thing in a while.
Believe me, you haven't missed much......oh but wait...accept that YOU HAVE!
So I'm learning, quite rapidly, just how far nerd I have become. There is a scale. At birth you are in the middle of this scale- a neutral and blank slate. As you travel down this winding road we call life, you gradually move from left to right on this scale based on different life decisions. It's frightening how far right I have traveled. I honestly don't believe I ever moved left- nor was aware this was an option. Yet now I'm too far gone to ever go back.
So you must be wondering what in heavens name is causing me to think so inward?
I have two words for you.... "Cleavage Fest"...or if we are getting technical..."Renaissance Fair".
Oh yes, I can hear you groaning inwardly. For art thou not impressed? (Yes that doesn't make a smidge of since...don't worry about it.)
For the past year I have been planning my Renaissance time travel. Many things were considered, yet costume was at the top of this list. (Basically it's the only thing on the list.) It's that one time a year where I can dress up and prance around a ton of people and not be looked at in a judgmental way. It's like bizarro world. The nerds are the heroes. #worldDomination 
Yet this nerd was in all actuality an undercover princess, running away from her obligations and her betrothed. (Yes I had a backstory- is there a problem?)

This was my first of many more Renaissance fairs to come. My costume was inspired by years of dreaming and plotting how to run away and become a princess in a some far away land. For one whole day I could live it and it was magical. 

And although it takes all of me to post this picture...I suppose it's the right thing to do. I mean come on. It's pretty amazing and extravagant and impossible to beat. My friend here deserves major props for which I shall not give her, considering every other nerd at the fair noticed how amazing she looked. (I now have a goal for next year...Beat Hannah!) 
So I suppose that basically sums up my life- what little there is of it. Maybe I'll do something really worth writing about one day- like watch all 6 Star Wars movies in one day or really get around to making some kick- butt chili. Yet until then I'll keep you updated on my lack of adventures and incessant speeches on how I just want to read!!
Maybe a job on Craigslist could be posted- "Girl seeking reading companion- money is an option."
Then again...I do have some common since which is why I shall sarcastically post it on here. 
"Girl seeking reading companion to pay her to read books, to them, for them, etc. Money would be a big plus. Food an even bigger plus." 
And so begins a fated story that will soon appear on 20/20. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

"Can't Help Falling in Love" With Fall

Well I've finally done it.
 Years and years of my life have been culminating into this one glorious revelation. Perhaps THE most glorious revelation a person can muster the boldness to find. For it took years of analyzing, soul searching, and replaying so. Many. Songs!
But I did it.
I found my favorite song.
Of all time.
Of all the times.
And I’m quite surprised, albeit slightly embarrassed.
Yet isn’t this what this whole blog thingy is about? Revealing deep and intimate parts of myself for the general public. (Mental note: Why am I doing this again?) So I suppose this is one of the those moments where I had better just spill it, because I can just see you all on the edge of your seats. (By all, I am meant my Mother who I am sure is my only reader- Hi Mommy! Could you stop at the store and pick me up some food? Chinese please!) All in all I do believe this moment calls for a drum roll!

*Drum roll noise, drum roll noise, drum roll noise*​

​Elvis Presley I am extremely sorry for all the years of toilet jokes, mockery, vigorous hip shaking, and my taking advantage of the fascinating combination that is peanut butter and bananas (I really take it for granted.) Ever since I was a small child- which hasn't been very long ago I suppose- this song has always had the ability to make me dance no matter if I'm on the brink of tears or a mental breakdown. And that's what a theme song should do. It should play behind me every second of the day- comforting me with its slow rhythm and warm beat. 

Wanna know another thing that's comforting?
My 52 year old Father asking me to turn up the television...the television that is right now playing Pretty Little Liars. Oh yes I have turned my Dad into a teenage girl. And I love it! We now have very deep conversations on Caleb's new hair, whether we can trust Jenna, and of course who. Is! A! I sware this show has ruined me. I used to be a very mature and serious young woman, but now...let's just say I blame this darn show for all of my teenagerness. At least I don't own a thousand pair of Ugg boots...there's always that. 

Speaking of boots...because we should always be speaking of boots...because boots are the sweat pants for your feet. I wore some today! Wanna know why? Do ya? Do ya? Well I have some big news and that is that fall is on our doorstep. Oh yes, for us Kansans we are all pretty thrilled because it seems like our weather maybe, just maybe might be right on track. (I am now going to be in a constant prayer that I haven't just jinxed it.) 
Perhaps this is why I have completely lost all since of...what's the word...self control. I don't know what it is about cooler weather but I seem to completely lose my mind. I woke up today and ate so much peanut butter- but I didn't even care. When I got to work I pulled a prank on the nurse...a very serious woman that I highly respect BTW! And let me tell you I wasn't the only one completely thrilled about our new weather prospects. The kids were absolutely rambunctious. (I am now aware of how to use "rambunctious" in a sentence.) But I didn't even care because I was pretty rambunctious myself. (Have I said rambunctious enough? Rambunctious!) I found myself racing kindergarteners around the playground...full on racing too...not that "fast walking" crap! I layed those kids out. (Again, I have lost all self control.) 
At about 1 o'clock I crashed. And that's all I have to say about that. Work was work. I did work. I did work at work. The end.

And yes I am aware that this post has gone from Elvis Presley, to my teenage Father, and my ability to feel no shame at crushing small children's dreams. But I blame it on the weather. The glorious time of year where I can eat pie for every meal, get a nice layer of fat, whine about it come January, then eat more pie in self defeat. 
Oh yes, fall is a great time of year. 

Monday, September 29, 2014

I Smell Like a Burnt Doughnut

Have you ever woke up to the horrible thought that "today I have to be around people"? You have to talk to people, you have to look at people, you have to be nice to people, people, people, people. They  are everywhere. Have you noticed this? People. Are. Everywhere. There is no escaping them. You wake up- people. You leave your house- people. You go to bed- people. 
Today was one of those days. I dreaded having to get out of my cozy little bed and actually be a person. But I rallied. I woke up, made myself a breakfast of hot tea, snicker doodle cookies, and an apple. (I have to keep up my baker physique somehow.) Afterward I did my morning routine and headed to work- looking somewhat better than when I woke up. Yet I didn't want to go- my book was calling to me, so was my bed, and so was the box of graham crackers Mom just bought. The promise of money at the end of the week won me over though. 
Work was as expected. No surprises. I can't be surprised anymore by these kids. Today a little boy got a plastic ring stuck on his finger. And to no avail, the nurse and I tried to get it off. That sucker wasn't budging. To the hospital he went. I tried to lighten the my own special way. I reassured him he was only going to lose 1 finger...he still had 9 more. He didn't appreciate the humor. Kids!
After a day of dealing with stomach aches, spilt milk, unsafe swinging, reckless slide use, and many many ketchup packets it was time to go home. 
I do believe the phrase "time to go home" is the greatest use of the English language. 
When home I proceeded to sit my butt onto the couch and eat a plate full of my mom's ultimate graham crackers (graham crackers with peanut butter and chocolate chips. Nothing but gourmet in this house) and watch numerous episodes of PLL ( for which I am a little ashamed about...). I'm pretty sure this is the remedy for being around too many people- especially little people. 
Yet my resting was cut responsibilities. I sure hate those...
Grandma Mills yard still needed some major help. 
So again, much like last week, Dad and I weed- eated (is that a term?), mowed, chopped, hammered, sawed, chuck-norrised the crap out of that yard. I find hard work so rewarding. Much like my Father, I thrive while being outside. My mind clears of all the nonsense it is fed throughout the day and fills with leaves and ladybugs and fresh air.

Yet one thing I know....with all my that some things about said nature will never calm me down. 
Like this "little" friend I made...

Keep in mind this fella was bascially the size of a one story building. Yet I may be exaggerating. I don't take spiders lightly. I kept an eye on Spider-Man here for fear it would hurl itself on me and eat my face off. (Graphic enough for you?) I was (am) that one kid at the pool with the the over active imagination..thinking that if I swam deep enough I would encounter a great white shark. So my mind had a field day when I saw this horrible 8 legged creature.
Bugs aside, Dad and I finished the job swimmingly. 

Which brings me to my heroic, volunteer firefighter, carrying a woman out of a burning building story. 
Except the woman I carried out a burning building was really a mini chocolate doughnut and nothing was on fire...yet! You see, Grandma Mills has a touch of the "old timers" and apparently this means she is prone to putting mini treats in the microwave and forgetting all about said treats. That is until she smells smoke and about scares Dad and I to death. Yet I was a hero. I located the source of the smoke, eradicated the burnt substance (which was a least I sure hope that's what it was), and saved my Grandma from burning her house down. 
So now I'm waiting for some sort of medal. 
Do they give those type of awards out? Like if I call congress will they send one over? Maybe I can order one off the internet...

So I suppose that's how my day went. 
People...they will find can hide....yet they always find you. 

Monday, September 22, 2014

The Fault In My Decision Making

Have you ever trimmed a tree? 
If not, then you should. Right now. Run outside with a pair of sheers and go to town. It's actually more fun than it should be. Well, maybe it's just fun to me and my inner perfectionist. (Correction: my COMPLETE perfectionist.) No part of me is not a perfectionist. So this whole tree trimming thing was right up my ally. 
My Father and I worked in companionable silence as we trimmed my great Grandmother's trees, bushes, and shrubs. In the time it took for my Dad to trim three trees I did one. It could be that I was comparing my work with Edward Scissor-Hands and no amount of time would give me a t-Rex shrub. But I tried and I did end up with a very shrub looking shrub. As reward grandma Mils gave me a baby doll- yes I said baby doll. (Guess who's pillow it's going under tonight? Starts with M and ends in OM.)
I also enjoyed the work because I like the feeling of doing manual labor to show up the male population. Step it up fellas! 
Competitive? Me?! No! Never!
After my very methodical tree trimming, Dad and I decided against eating cereal for dinner and opted for Panera. It was a tough call...soggy cereal...warm and delicious
Now I am analyzing my mental state to see if I am up to watching a particular movie...entitled...
The Fault in Our Stars.
For all of you that are unfamiliar with this particular book and movie, I assume you are living a very happy life completely ignorant to the struggles of the rest of us. Yet all of you that have read this most terrible book and watched this most horrible movie know what I'm talking about. Curse you John Green!
Okay no, John Green is incredible. And this book is beautiful. And this movie is stupendous. And that is why I'm so stressed out about it. 
The Fault In Our Stars tells the tale of the unforgettable characters Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters. They both have cancer. And that's basically all I can say about that. (No I'm not crying... It's just allergies...gosh!)
So that's where I'm at right now. Holding this horribly horrible movie in my hand and just staring at its horrible cover. 
Decisions are hard. 
I think I'll just stay in the state of indecisiveness a little while longer. Guess i could grab myself something to eat while i do that. Yeah...this night calls for more food. 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Missing My Childhood- Remembering Children are Monsters

I suppose I shouldn't miss my childhood. Looking back I was pretty weird. (Shut it Sherylyn... I know I still am!!) But if you could imagine, I was even weirder- yet I never gave it a second thought. I lived in my pretend world and that was okay. Now it worries me. Now I do give it a second thought. 
Today though was a little different. I let my inner child out if not for one more day. I swung on the playground, I climbed to the top of the metal house, I slid down some sides, yet not alone- mind you! I still have some sort of pride. No, I took a few little buddies of mine to the park and I'm pretty sure I had more fun than they did. Yet still- at 17- I was frightened of doing anything that "broke the rules". I swung on my bottom, I went down the slide the right way, and I climbed safely and without danger to my fellow students. Yeah I was a pretty lame kid. The craziest thing I ever did was swing upside down on the monkey bars. And the first time I fell and hit my head was the last time I took any risks. #rebel #iNeedARedo #safetyMonitor
In addition to my recklessness at the park I also challenged two little boys in the neighborhood to a friendly game of soccer. FALSE! I do not play "friendly". If you can't take the heat get out of the doghouse...wait or is it (Another thing I was never good at was remembering those common sayings everyone says...yet doesn't quite know where it came from...yeah I usually butcher those.) Anywho- I dominated. Is this some sort of problem I have? That i feel extremely competitive with little kids? Eh, I'm not gonna worry  about it...
Well after the wild and crazy day I had I decided that I COULD take the heat and decided I would spend some time in the kitchen. My mission?
Chocolate sheet cake...with....WITH....!!!!! 

So you think I'm overreacting??! Do ya?? Then you don't even know!!
Brown butter is something I discovered last year and I haven't recovered. It is such a beautiful thing. And I thought butter couldn't get any better- then BAM! After a few minutes of toasting in the stove and it becomes more than you have ever imagined it could be.
I feel a monument should be dedicated in its honor. 
A huge butter sculpture or butter. 
Basically a ginormous slab of butter... That people can come and look at. It would be elected for mayor. And win! And it would bring nations together and finally bring the world peace!
Thank you Mayor Brown Butter. 
We owe you a lot sir. 

Recipe for : Mayor Brown Butter Icing (adapted from the great Martha Stewart) 
4 tbsp butter (it can be cold yet room temp melts better- but it's up to you!)
1 cup powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract (I use Mexican- any is fine though)
1 to 2 tbsp milk
Pinch of salt 

Step 1: place a suave pan on the stove and set the heat to medium. Place butter in the pan. After the butter is melted turn the heat up to medium- high. Don't worry if it starts popping- just be careful!
Step 2: proceed to cook the butter until it is light brown- caramel color. (When you place a spoon in there should be foam, light brown butter, and black bits). If you see this- you're doing it right. If not- then maybe cooking isn't for you...
Step 3: Pour the butter into a bowl. Dump in the powdered sugar. Stir or whisk until combined. Add the vanilla extract and the salt. Whisk. Add in 1 tbsp of milk at a time until you reach a consistency that the icing is spreadable yet not runny. 
Step 4: Bathe in it. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A Day In the Life Of a Common American (Peasant)

McKenzie and I are currently somewhat obsessed with all things British. Recently, we've been seeking out certain delicacies and vittles, if you will, that might be common to the British diet.

I myself am quite interested in the day-to-day of the typical Brit's routine. Or even more interesting, the British meal. I know that customarily their meals are referred to as 'breakfast, supper and tea'. But is there still an afternoon tea? When, customarily, does this particular event occur? Is an afternoon tea had every day or is it only on weekends and holidays? And speaking of holidays, why do they call vacationing 'going on holiday'? 

I suppose my fascination takes root with the desperate desire for knowing what a different culture would be like. As far as I know, some of our friends from across the pond feel similarly about we Americans. They find our Big-Macs and Pizza Huts as interesting as we find their meat pies and Digestives. But if there happens to be a Brit reading this particular post, I can assure you that our daily life is just as uneventful as yours. This is what a day in the life of a common American is like:

I awoke to my alarm, blaring out of the speakers of my phone at exactly 6:29. (I sometimes tend to set my alarm at odd intervals, just to annoy the obsessive compulsive inside of me). I pressed snooze, knowing that my alarm would go off in ten more minutes. A then another ten. At 7:00, a new alarm went off. This particular alarm would now sound every three minutes until I finally got my butt out of bed. Generally this happens around 7:21, if I must be at work by 8:00 AM, which today I did.

I will spare you the details of my hurried attempt to be presentable, but rest assured, it was not well done. I arrived at work (a local restaurant, known as Village Inn) at 8:15, shuffling in as if I'm still asleep.

"Oh, sorry, Sarah," I said. "I didn't realize I was so late."

The new girl, Sarah, was placing freshly baked pies into the pie case. I could smell the sweet golden scent of the crust that covered my favorite pie, Strawberry Rhubarb, mingling with the pleasant aroma of the Cherry Pie, along with the most dominant scent of the Peach Pie. The bouquet that the mix of these delicious desserts often makes my mouth water and instantly I crave a slice, topped with a scoop of icecream or a dollop of whip cream. Today, however, I was too bothered by my lack of sleep, my disappointing appearance and the fact that I was fifteen minutes late, to even notice the delicious fragrance. 

"It's okay," Sarah replied pleasantly. "You haven't missed much." Sarah had been at work since 5:30 AM and had had a proper amount of time to wake up. She's a very nice girl, or woman I should say since she is twenty-three. She has been employed with us for approximately four weeks and I've come to enjoy her company very much. Today, however, I was too tired for pleasantries or conversation. Once settled in, I made my way to the back to prepare a blessed cup of coffee for myself and begin the morning paperwork. 

Two cups of coffee and thirty minutes later, I finally became coherent. I walked about the building, greeting fellow employees and getting updates about progress. Today, I was in charge (off the a great start, huh?) and had several responsibilities and delegations that were required of me. After setting up the day and finishing the morning paperwork, I made my way back to the front to join Sarah.

Our day was enjoyable, though not eventful, and my work day had come to a close. I was thankful to leave and get on with doing the one thing that makes my life complete: reading.

After a quick stop to the library with McKenzie (a new oasis that has been right under our noses and will be severely blogged about in the future) and a grocery store run, I finally made my way back to my little house.

My golden retriever, Bette Davis Jr. was very happy to see me when I came through the door. Her whole back end wagged along with her tail as she let out small playful growls around a dirty, mangled, stuffed cow that happens to be her favorite toy. 

After several minutes of playtime, I rushed to my bedroom to throw on some pajamas and then rushed to the kitchen to prepare myself a cup of tea (trying too hard to be British?). Feeling completely satisfied, I settled onto the couch, 'Outlander' in hand, my tea nearby and my wonderful dog resting happily near my feet. The perfect evening.

After about five minutes of reading, I began to doze and almost dropped my book in my lap. 

"Urggghhh!" I groaned. "I just want to READ!"

Unable to stay awake, I stumbled into my bedroom and fell asleep.

Thankfully, fifteen minutes later, my husband, Dustin, called me on his break from work and woke me from my nap. After a few minutes of conversation, we hung up so that he could eat his lunch (or dinner... or if you're in the UK, tea). Unable to go back to sleep (thankfully or else I won't sleep tonight) I rose from bed and went to clean the kitchen. After the dishes were done, I sat down on my couch, my trusty laptop (Tardis is her name) in hand, and I typed out this post.

So, dear friends who answer to Her Majesty and others with sleep trouble, I assure you that The Life Of a Common American is certainly uninteresting, if not uneventful. However, I happen to have a pretty good life, and honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Feelin European

Have you ever thought- like really thought- about life as an American? Because I haven't. Well that is until yesterday. Yesterday, Sherylyn and myself, discovered a new way of living. 
The European way. (Well maybe the Americanized European way.)
In all actuality the biggest highlight of our day was our finding the famous Jammy Dodgers (*insert Doctor Who fan girl noices*) and dipping them in our freshly brewed tea. Yes it was like we were actual real-life British people and it felt liberating. 
So after scarfing down a whole package of Jammie Dodgers, drinking copious amounts of tea, and watching episodes of Doctor Who, it was time for *drum rooooolllll* BIEROCKS!!! 
Why am I yelling, you might ask?!?!? 
Well why not?
Ok, so I am a Bierocks fiend! And my life, as a Porter, meant I inhaled many a Bierocks in my young life. Thankfully my buddy Sherylyn is also very familiar with this wonderful meat pie and included her own spin on the classic dinner delight. 
Keep in mind- making a Bierock is not like making a soufflĂ©. It's all about the enjoyment and company. You simply cannot make a Bierock all alone. It just cannot be done. Bierocks are an institution for bringing people together  and wrapping them tight around beef, cabbage, and biscuit dough. So experiment, taste test, salt, pepper, and taste test again. And above all enjoy the process.

Beer-Rocks Bierock Recipe:
Two lbs ground beef (80/20)
1 white onion (diced)
4 cloves of garlic (diced)
1 head of cabbage (shredded---we merely diced it)
I bottle of your favorite beer (something robust and full flavored)
2 cans of biscuit dough (could use frozen dinner rolls but be sure to let them rise and thaw)
Carroway seeds 
Garlic Powder
Flour (for rolling out the biscuit dough)

Step 1: in a large pan set to medium-medium high start cooking the ground beef until browned. Add the diced onion and cook until slightly translucent. Add the garlic and keep cooking until the beef is cooked, the onions are translucent, and the garlic is fragrant. (Salt and pepper each layer) Add garlic powder to taste. 
Step 2: If pan is big enough add the cabbage- if not do as Sherylyn and I do and that is drain the liquid off the beef and put the beef mixture in a separate bowl- then add the cabbage. After you add the cabbage pour in the bottle of beer as well a some salt and pepper. (Salt to draw out the liquid) cover the pan and let steam and cook until the cabbage is cooked. ( I.e not crunchy)
Step 3: Add the beef mixture back in the pan with the cooked down cabbage. (Salt and pepper). Add about half a handful of carroway seeds to the pan and continue to cook together for a few minutes.turn the heat off and start to prepare the dough.

Step 3: Prehat the oven to 350 degrees and flour a work space. Open up the biscuit dough and one at a time- flour then roll out the individual biscuits. You will want the biscuits to be pretty thin- yet not too thin so that when we add the mixture it breaks. (I'm talking to you Sherylyn!) Put the rolled out biscuits on a floured plate.

Step 4: Spray a few cookie sheets with non stick cooking spray. Lay out each biscuit dough- one at a time- and add a scoop (about 1/2 cup) of the meet and cabbage mixture in the center of the biscuit dough. Fold in every corner, do a slight twist, and with a spatula placed under the pie, lift the pies and flip them onto the cookie sheet. Place them 1 inch apart so that they don't cook together. (Although I was thinking one massive mammoth Bierock would make me pretty happy...)

Step 5: Place the cookie sheets in the oven and bake for 10-15 minutes or until the pies are golden brown on the top and on the bottom.

Step 6: When cooked, take out of the oven and let cool until safe to eat. 
Step 7: Okay now is the time...the time for you to experience the true pleasure of what is wonderfully called a bierock. And what I do...even though it was supposed to be a European day...I added ketchup. Cause this is 'Mercia!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Easy As Pie really there is no pie...

So yesterday was a busy day and when I came home I was in a nap frame of mind. Yet of course I had to remember my responsibilities and obligations. Darn you brain!! Yet thankfully what I had to do was an easy and enjoyable job- that of making my "claim to fame" scones. 
Think you can handle these?

MacADoodle's Scones:

2 cups all purpose flour (plus a little extra for rolling out the dough)
1/2 cup sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
Zest of 2 lemons
5 Tbsp cold butter
1 cup cold heavy cream
The jam/ jelly of your choice

Step 1: Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Combine four, sugar, baking powder salt, and lemon zest in a bowl. Whisk to combine.
Step 2: Cut the butter into 10 pieces and with a pastry cutter, cut the butter into the flour. It should remember course meal.
Step 3: Make a well in the center of the mixture and pour in the cold heavy cream. Stir to combine until it lifts off the sides of the bowl.
Step 4: Flour your kitchen counter and dump out the dough. Knead a few times until the dough is smooth and in a ball.
Step 5: Flour a rolling pin and roll out the dough to 1/4 an inch. 
Step 6: With a cookie cutter of your choice (I prefer heart shaped) cut out scones and place them on a parchment lined cookie sheet- 1 inch apart.
Step 7: Flour your fingers. Make indents in the centre of each scone and place a dime sized amout of jam In each of the indents. (I used blackberry but any jam/ jelly will work- lemon curd is amazing as well.)
Step 8: Place the scones in the oven and bake for 11 minutes or until the edges are golden brown. When done place the cookie sheet on a wire rack to cool the scones.
Step 9: When the scones are cool to the touch, ice them with the lemon icing which follows.
Step 10: Proceed to gorge yourself until you feel like the world is a better place and you pass out in a delightful diabetic coma.

Lemon Icing:

Juice of 2 lemons 
2 cups of powdered sugar (more depending on the consistency)
1/2 vanilla extract
Pinch of salt

Mix everything together in a bowl with a whisk and drizzle over scones.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Pretty Little Sconces

suppose finding myself curled up on the couch wrapped in an Alabama football snuggie, watching reruns of Pretty Little Liars, and eating stacks of graham crackers should be some sort of wake up call. Or perhaps the fact that I'm perfectly fine with this image should be the wake up call. Either way this image should be unsettling- yet at the moment it just seems right. And at the moment I am perfectly and utterly- exhausted. 

After a day rangling kids out on the playground one finds the peace and quiet a relief. Oh the day in the life of a lunch room aid. I am constantly opening ketchup packets (usually on myself) and wiping up milk (on special occasions throw up- sometimes even the kid's). Oh yes, it fascinating. Also it's quite an ego booster. On several occasions I have been asked if I'm "single and ready to mingle". Naturally I of course said yes- so now I'm currently the girlfriend to 20 third graders. (I kid!)

After a day of good ole work I headed home jamming all 1 minute (I live across the street yet I decided to drive for some reason...) to The Neighbourhood. It makes me feel like a rebel when I listen to them...sure beats the times when I feel like a 60 year old lady. Those times are when I go to bed at 9:30pm... #beautySleep #ImSeventeenYearsOld #wheresMyTeeth

Yet when I came home I was welcomed with the thought that I forgot I had a baking job this week. I would have preferred remembering I scheduled a nap. So that's what I did. I beat, scraped, cut, worked, and boogied until I had a batch full of Blackberry Scones and Chocolate- Chocolate cupcakes. And in that moment the world just seemed right. 

And just to prove that I do know how to whip up some delightful treats...


Why yes they are impressive- thank you very much...
And the fact that I am going to share the recipe should be all the more impressive because I am so sure of myself and my baking skills that I'm very confident no one will come close to mastering it...
Actually this is a lie. This recipe could be done by a monkey..that is if that monkey had an extreme interest in baking scones. (btw...some people call them "sconces"...yeah don't eat sconces.) 

So I suppose I should get my old lady self to bed for fear of turning into the teenager I am. 
The recipe shall be posted tomorrow- my solemn oath to you. 
Goodnight internet. 
*in robot voice* Good-night M-cken-zie 

Friday, September 5, 2014


I like to watch people.
 Are you hooked?
In school I was always told to start with a hook, a grabber, an intriguing opening line if you will. I think this might be a good one. Now you're wondering if I'm a serial killer or maybe even The Phantom of the Opera. I wish I could say yes. I wish I were someone interesting. Maybe not as interesting as a serial killer yet certainly not as unintersting as I really am. There seems to be a fine line.
 Have I ruined my hook yet? Are you now googling Ultimate Dodgeball videos? (I would if I were you- later that is. What could be better than ULTIMATE and DODGEBALL?) Anywho, maybe by some chance or perhaps pity you're still reading. First off- I thank you! (Am I the only one who types "Thinks" when wanting to type "Thanks"? I sure hope not. I was home-schooled and am worried this is a side effect.) And second- I suppose you would like a name.
 My name is McKenzie Porter and I am a resident of the luxurious and fascinating Wichita, Kansas. (Is it okay to lie in a blog?) And my fair assistant's name is Sherylyn Pack. (Who will be making an appearance sooner or later...)
 But perhaps I should go back to my opening line. Truth be told these are not the rantings of a serial killer, rather a mere observer. Yet I do suppose rantings are rantings. But in all honestly I don't like the word watch. It implies that I have stalker habits. And I do not. To put it simply I find the world a fascinating place and I have a yearning to analyze it- detail by detail. So this is what this little blog is all about. I feel that this will be a better solution for pouring out my thoughts. My Microsoft Word documents are piling up- time for them to disappear into the meaningless void we like to call the interweb! I shall apologize in advance now for all the meaningless rambling that is bound to occur. Yet perhaps once in awhile I'll manage to say something interesting.
 On that note I shall bid you adieu-
 Happy Reading!